It’s not about me.
It’s all about you.

I’m a business psychologist and an advisor. I’m not a mentor or coach like many people out there. My professionalism and business experience is part of my unique service offering.

And unlike many advisors out there on the web, the ‘About page on my site is not about me. It’s about you.

Am I the right person you should work with to help you find ways to succeed in life and business? Do I have the right skill set to help you work though and solve problems or issues that have driven you online seeking help? And will my track record in helping senior executives and business owners fit your unique needs?

You won’t know until we talk

You won’t know
until we talk

This might be the first time you’re looking for help online with your business or personal life.

Or maybe you’re used to working with a mentor or coach and feel it’s time to try working with a professional advisor who has a business background, as well as psychology?

Although I could put lots of copy and quotes on this page, list my qualifications, and tell you all about my experience helping business owners, executives, young entrepreneurs and the perpetually struggling, the easiest way to quickly work out whether I can help is schedule a call.

How it works

  • Fill in this simple contact form below, giving me your name and email address, and I’ll reach out to you within 1 working day to schedule a meeting.
  • We’ll talk confidentially online using Zoom for 15-20 mins.
  • There is no charge for this first conversation.
  • During the call you will get a sense of who I am, raise any questions you may have and discover how working with me could help you. I will get the chance to assess whether I think I can help you with your unique needs.
  • If, having talked to you, I feel I’m not the right fit for your unique needs, I’ll let you know and, where possible, recommend someone who could be a better fit.

What happens next?

After our initial call, if we’ve decided we want to work together, you’re invited to book a full session with me. I will then bill you when we’ve talked.

If you choose to book a 1-hour consultation you are committing to one session (See full Terms & Agreement).

Then, after each time we meet, you will have the opportunity to book another session with me.

I do offer discounted prices for existing customers who know they want to book ongoing meetings over a period of months. But for starters, I bill on a session-by-session basis.

How much support do I need?

Some people need just a couple of sessions working with me to resolve the issues they’re grappling with. Other people choose to work with me for much longer periods – even years. No matter how long we work together, I’m dedicated to providing the best professional support you need to help you achieve the kind of success in life and business you want.

The best way to discover if I can help you is to book an initial call.

Sue Firth – A qualified
psychologist providing consulting & advisory services

If you’re still reading and want the formal blurb, I describe myself as a Performance Coach & Business Psychologist

My formal training is in psychology, and I hold both a Bachelor of Science and a Masters Degree. I am an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a member of The Health Professions Council.

I currently run a private practice in South Molton Street, London. As well as working in-person, I offer online mentoring and currently have customers both in the UK and abroad.

As well as working with individuals, I regularly speak on stress, change, resilience and confidence.

The Executive Edge Podcasts