Welcome to episode 93 of my podcast The Executive Edge with Susan Barber.
Sue is an author, podcast host, former IT director and now an executive coach. She has written a book called The Visibility Factor. She coaches leaders on how to be more visible in their careers. This can involve how to be a stronger leader, increase your confidence, and navigate challenges you may encounter with peers or bosses. Sue supports people to figure out the best way to do this.
We discussed the typical symptoms of not being visible and Sue suggested one of the reasons may be that people are very introverted. Or they may believe they are already speaking up and doing all the right things. This can lead them to being a little complacent and thinking they are doing what’s necessary to be successful within their company. Sue explained from personal experience, that this meant she struggled with doubt. She sat in the back of the room acting as if she was unsure what she was talking about. She didn’t participate. With the help of a mentor, she came to recognise this was her being less visible. She wasn’t promoting herself in the most effective way.
What else did we discuss?
We went on to discuss how to amplify your thoughts, ideas and recommendations, so as not to hold yourself back in your career. Sue supports people to play bigger but in a way that is authentic to them. She goes on to discuss her book and the 4-step process called RISE that helps people make their own ‘visibility plan’. There are also steps to take depending on your personal choice and growth.
Many of us struggle with the feeling that to speak up is arrogant and people shy away. To start down the path of being visible we often don’t know what it will look like. Sue discusses how she observed other people and tried to pinpoint what they were doing that she wasn’t. The more you realise the simple steps you can take to start feeling and being visible that work for you, the more impact you can start to make.
Sue has written a book in which she breaks down the steps for building visibility. The process is easy to follow and shapes what you want for yourself and your career. You can find her book here.
You can also find more from Susan by visiting her website. her website