Sue’s Blog

  • 5 Meditation Apps to Try this Summer

  • How to let staff go with style (and not feel guilty!)

  • The Challenge of Leadership Management

  • The Power of Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 10 ways to BETTER deal with conflict

  • How to maximise employee engagement & why you should

  • Balancing your short-term goals with your long-term vision

  • How to stop being a frustrated executive

  • Systems Intelligence And How Executives Are Different!

  • How to implement the ROAR framework for business improvement

  • Navigating Leadership Challenges in a Rapidly Evolving Marketplace

  • Content creation for business entrepreneurs

  • From Burnout to Breakthrough: Revitalizing Well-Being on the Journey of Business and Life

  • Navigating Career Transitions: Managing Personal Finances During Professional Change

  • 11 Regrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

  • The Path to Success: Guiding Business Owners Towards Achievement

  • Managing Organizational Change for Small Business: The Do’s and Don’ts

  • Aspiring Business Owners, Here’s What You Need to Know About Opening a Franchise

    It's important to do your research and understand what goes into franchise ownership before taking the leap...

  • Strategically Managing Change

    Understanding and managing change in business...

  • Psychological safety in the workplace

    Psychological safety is the belief that you won’t be punished or made fun of for speaking up with your ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes...

  • The Secret to Finding a Perfect Name for Your Business

    In essence, you have to show your customers that your brand name is a proper definition of who you are as a business and what you aim to achieve.

  • Why your Business is Better with Apps

    Being an entrepreneur is a very demanding job. But there are a few apps that can help an entrepreneur to stay on top of their game...

  • Help teens Adjust to Secondary School or University

    Exam time is very stressful for lots of young people of all ages and this collection of our blogs on the subject is meant to be helpful for you...

  • Help your child Thrive during exam season

    Exam time is very stressful for lots of young people of all ages and this collection of our blogs on the subject is meant to be helpful for you...

  • Ten Tips to Improve Internal Communication

    There are many ways to improve how you communicate with your team. Here are ten tips to improve this important facility, and how you can take advantage of them...

  • Neuroplasticity and how experience can shape the brain

    We are all different in life, but how? Our genes, personalities, temperament, culture, circumstances, and experiences, shape us...

  • 5 Signs your Relationship isn’t Healthy

    One of the most difficult parts of being in an abusive relationship is actually realising you’re in one.

  • How to Start Exercising

    The biggest issue for most people is not knowing how to start exercising. What sort of exercises should you do?

  • Resources for Business Owners Ready to Lead Their Community

    Today we have a guest blog from Kelli Brewer who has written about how as leaders you can make a difference to your community, and to your brand, by supporting your local area...

  • Easy and Affordable Ways to Make Self-Care Part of Your Everyday Life

    Today we have a guest blog from John Foster who has done an excellent job of writing about the value of self care...

  • Recruiting and Retaining Capable Employees

    Danny Diaz has written an excellent piece on the retention of employees...

  • Quick Tips on How to Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

    Cristin Howard runs Smart Parent Advice, a site that provides parenting advice for mums and dads...

  • Emotional Intelligence in Business

    Emotional intelligence is a relatively recent development in understanding intelligence and how it manifests in different forms.

  • Solving people problems in business

    Every business experiences problems – issues with cash flow, and struggles with managing people...

  • What is your relationship with food?

  • It’s 2019, so why is mental health still a workplace taboo?

    The economic cost of poor mental health in the workplace is between £33bn-£42bn each year...

  • Imposter Syndrome – what it is and how to overcome it!

    Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments...

  • How to be Happy

    Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. So, what are the differences between happy and unhappy people? What is the secret to a happy life?

  • Self-confidence at Work

    A lack of self-confidence in life and work, can mean situations feel more stressful. Some issues that arise from a lack of self-confidence can link to problems at work...

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    PTSD is a serious illness. It’s characterized by symptoms of avoidance and nervous system arousal...

  • Time to Talk About Education and Mental Health

    Mental health at school and university is less talked about but as important as mental health anywhere else...

  • Empty nest and surviving it – for both parents and students!

    My children are now 18 and 20 years old, both have now gone to university at the same time...

  • Facing empty nest

    When older kids go to Uni it’s like a halfway stage in that they move some of their stuff but do not completely leave...

  • Maternal Mental Health

    Good mental health is hard to establish and maintain today without children, let alone throwing a newborn baby into the mix...

  • Precious Friendships

    This blog is about friendships and what they do for us...

  • Making mistakes

    Making mistakes and the impact that can often have if you’re in the public eye...

  • Stop Thinking, Start Living: Book review

    My associate Georgina, has written a critique of the book covering the main points and what she recommends we put in to practice...

  • Do you think too much?

    The essence of the book is that Richard believes those of us prone to thinking a lot may be at risk of encouraging mild to moderate depression...

  • Handling Negative Emotions is a Life Skill

    Feelings of sadness, frustration, anger, and disappointment all serve a purpose, but often their purpose is lost...

  • Conquering the Workday: Strategies to Minimize Workplace Stress

    Whether you have your dream job or just a job to get by, you most likely face stress at work at times...

  • Self-worth and why it’s still worth it!

    Self-worth is an attitude towards yourself; a belief that you place a value on what you do, and who you are. It matters because without it, or if it’s low...

  • The Big C – the Silent Killer

    Cancer is our biggest killer and worse, it is killing us from within...

  • Why is My Child so Stressed?    

    What do children have to be stressed about? Being a child is the easiest time of your life...

  • How to Reduce Christmas Stress!

    A study found that 5% of the UK are very stressed and 15% are fairly stressed about Christmas preparations...

  • The Rise of Rudeness!

    For some months now, I have noticed that people seem to be much more aggressive when they are driving...

  • Understanding and building Self-belief

    Self-belief is “confidence in oneself and one’s ability,” it stems from positive thinking, talking to others, plenty of practise and in some cases, training...

  • Primary to Secondary School – how we can make it a smooth and stress-free transition for our children.

    Children all over the world will be moving on from primary education into secondary. Although for some the idea is exciting and welcomed, for others, it is quite terrifying...

  • The difference between Management and Leadership; a real-life example

    Just recently I went on holiday to the beautiful island of Kos in Greece, with my two teenage children age 17 and 19...

  • Learning from Failure

    People always say, “the best way to learn is through the mistakes that you make.”  But what if we don’t learn from our mistakes, our misdemeanours, our failures? 

  • Men have Eating Disorders Too!

    Men are now reported by the NHS to represent 25% of cases of eating disorders...

  • Can We Work if We’re Stressed?

    People assume that if you’re stressed while you’re at work, you’re stressed with the workload itself. That’s not always the case...

  • Men and Mental Health; are men more emotional than women?

    Many boys encounter what Dr William Pollack termed in his book, ‘The Boy Code’, a set of expectations on how boys and men should think, feel and act: “be tough, don’t cry, go it alone...

  • Building Resilience For Adults

    Following on from the last blog I wanted to concentrate on how to build resilience for adults...

  • Building Resilience in Children

    Resilient children can resist adversity, cope with uncertainty and recover more successfully from traumatic events or episodes...

  • Simple steps you can take to help your employees be more productive

    More than 70% of employees today don’t feel engaged in their workplace...

  • How to Use Self Talk to Improve Your Life

    Have you ever noticed the kind of language you use in your day-to-day life? Do the following statements...

  • ‘We are what we eat’: The Medicinal Chef

    Research shows just how strong the connection between gut health and brain health can be...

  • Your Gut & Mental Health

    Approximately 500 species of bacteria, as well as many species of yeast and other organisms, live in the human gastrointestinal tract and...

  • Primary School Stress

    Experts warn that intense pressure during school years can affect performance & backfire, leading to signs of social, emotional and physical stress...

  • What’s Eating You?

    At some point in all of our lives we turn to a solution we hope will make us feel better; to cope with or to distract us temporarily from our problems...

  • Teenage Stress and how to help

    At this stage in our lives, a massive pressure we face is the challenge of A Levels; they are a considerable jump up from GCSE...

  • Teenage girls, parenting & going off to Uni!

    I sat having a coffee this morning watching a little girl with her mother and wanted to reach out to the mum and say ‘make the most of it’ somehow because it all goes so quickly...

  • Self-confidence: doing your best without too much self criticism!

    So, what is self-confidence, and how does it relate to self worth and self-esteem?

  • Self image: how to be ok with what you see in the mirror!

    What do I mean by self-image? In general, self-image encompasses what you think about your appearance, your abilities...

  • Building Self-worth & why it’s worth it!

    In this new blog series I’ll be looking at three core issues that many of my clients come to see me about – self worth, self image and self confidence...

  • Big me up, Scotty! Believing in and boosting Self-esteem

    Some forms of self promotion aren’t only forgiveable, but actively welcome...

  • Family: how to work out when to forgive and when to let something go

    Some of us are lucky enough to have supportive, loving families that help us, either to come home to, or to feel we’ve come from...

  • Stop working and take a trip: The Best Way to Fight Stress

    Even planning a vacation, making packing and shopping lists helps keep your mind off the problems at work...

  • Duty & obligation: why we struggle and what to do about it

    I don’t know a single person who doesn’t do certain things because they feel they should. And these “shoulds” are usually related to feelings about...

  • Losing weight – a psychological approach

    Looking at the “whys” of weight problems are just as important as the “hows” in my book...

  • How to lose weight sensibly – Part 1

    For some people, overeating becomes a normal response to stress, and they find themselves putting on weight, often adding to their feelings of unhappiness...

  • Monday blues or just plain SAD?

    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – also known as “winter depression” – affects around two million people in the UK...

  • Five quick wins for more energy

    Some “quick wins” – easy, practical strategies that you can start using in your life today and, if you follow them consistently, are guaranteed to improve the way you look and feel...

  • Emotional Energy!

    How is it that one day you can feel full of beans come bedtime - and another you're dragging yourself to the dinner table in a fit of exhaustion?

  • Energy, Vitality & what drains us

    In this piece, we’ll examine what is affecting your energy levels...

  • A is for Anger

    Anger gets a bad press... no one seems to have a good word to say about it...

  • F is for Fear

    What are you afraid of? The death of a loved one? Losing your job? Walking home in the dark? Spiders?

  • Happiness – what’s it all about?

    Being happy is a positive, optimistic and wonderful feeling but sometime between childhood and adulthood many of us lose sight of what happiness feels like...

  • Overcoming addiction. Seven steps to taking back control

    If you completed the questionnaire in the last blog and feel ready and willing to take some concrete action towards overcoming your addiction, read on...

  • Understanding and Acting on Addiction

    This is the first in a two part series of blogs looking at addiction – what it is, why it happens, and what we can do about it...

  • 2 out of 10: When to get help for Depression

  • How to ask for a promotion or pay rise

    It can be daunting enough talking ourselves up in a job interview or negotiating our starting salary, but asking for more money or...

  • How to cope with a difficult colleague

    If you feel unhappy or discontented at work, it may not be the work itself that’s the problem, but the people...

  • How to survive -and even enjoy- winter

    How do you feel about winter? Do you look forward to wrapping up warm for bracing walks and then hunkering down...

  • How to help your teenager know what they want to do in life

    As a teenager, did you ever walk into a Careers Guidance or counselling meeting and been asked...

  • 7 stress-free ways to find a new job

    There’s a lot of talk in the media about how difficult it is to find work, and it can take some courage to challenge the pervasive cultural attitude that you’re lucky to have any job...

  • Beating your inner fake: Imposter Syndrome & what to do about it

    Social media has provided us with many tools, one of which is the ability to present the persona of our choosing to the outside world...

  • How to make the most of a bad job

    Work-related stress is one of the most common reasons people come to me for help, which is why I’m devoting a series of blogs to the issue...

  • Maternity Stress & Returning to Work

    A study conducted just this month on parenting website NetMums found that nearly three quarters of women feared for their jobs when they took maternity leave...

  • Who would you rather have as your boss? The Apprentice

    It’s the final of The Apprentice tonight, where Sir Alan Sugar will choose a business partner from two finalists...

  • Plane Anxious!

    There are many reasons people may be afraid of flying – for some, it’s about loss of control...

  • How can you help a Stressed Employee

    Stress is a subject that has ebbed and flowed in the minds of industry because of the Press about it and the reputation it has for being a negative experience...

  • Troubles at the top

    Every Chief Executive I know has a secret. It comes out, in an uncomfortable whisper, when we start to examine...

  • Understanding Personality and Asperger’s Syndrome

    Asperger’s is named after the man who identified it and is a mild form of autism that affects social interaction and behaviour...

  • Managing Anxiety and how to feel better…

    There are two kinds of anxiety - specific and generalised. Specific anxiety is when there is a distinct cause for concern...

  • Cluttered desk, cluttered house, cluttered life…?

    For many of us the reason we allow ‘stuff’ to build up in our homes is because we feel a sense of security when visibly surrounded by our possessions...

  • A little help with self-help…

    Have you ever considered it might be a good idea to read a self-help book and walked into a bookshop to look at the selection available?

  • Marriage…is it simply down to love or do we need to re-think?

    I am surprised how many men come in to see me about something that’s a source of stress for them and move on to the difficulties they encounter...

  • Work-Life Balance – working to live or living to work?

    For many of us, the boundaries between work and life have become blurred...

  • Lessons in life and what’s worth learning

    It was my brother’s 60th birthday recently and, whilst celebrating it, I asked him how he felt...

  • Coping with all those worries!

    Are you a compulsive worrier? Even to the extent that you are worrying right now about whether you have enough time to read this blog...

  • How to cope if you’re working with a Narcissist

    Are you working with someone who has a hankering for the limelight, a deep-seated desire to be the centre of attention...

  • Taking the Stress out of Leadership!

    Stress, and in particular, the serious effect that stress has on the human body, is a subject we now know a great deal about...

  • Where do we go from here…?

    Sometimes in my practice I find Chief Executives approach me who are facing a dilemma...

  • Exercise & weight; from a new angle

    Experts in the U.K. have found that genetics plays a part in whether you find exercise works well both for fitness and weight loss...

  • What if there was a cure for Alzheimers and no-one knew?

    This is the title of an amazing book by Dr Mary Newport. A Dr in the U.S. and a neonatal specialist, her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimers...

  • Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence

    One of the books I have enjoyed the most over the years is Napoleon Hill's 'Think and Grow Rich'...

  • Cancer Research

    A recent Cancer study reported by the company Nutri suggests that a high protein, low carb diet was better at reducing...

  • Stress and Executives

    Executives are attracted to positions within their businesses or large Corporates that by their nature are inherently stressful...

  • Career Woman who’s a mum or a mum who works – which one are you?

    One of the subjects dear to my own experience is the struggle some women (and men to be fair), can feel when they become a parent...

  • Everyone has a Gap of Integrity, but what is it?

    Somewhere between what you have in life, and what you want, lies a gap. This is called 'The Gap of Integrity' and...

  • What to do when your relationship is struggling

    A client of mine has a difficult and painful decision to struggle with at the moment: whether to end her relationship with someone...

  • Are we better with others than we are to ourselves?

    The answer is probably 'yes'! but there's a good reason for that...

  • Sibling Rivalry

    Bickering between your kids is to be expected to some degree, but when it gets physical or they argue all the time it can be very wearying...

  • ‘I’m a Celebrity, get me out of here!’

    If you've been watching this programme you'll know that celebrities volunteer to go to Australia and take part in a series of trials where they are voted on and off...

  • Leading & Managing Change

    Fear is at the root of most difficulties with change that I've experienced when I consult in business...

  • Does smiling too much give away power?

    A Journalist this week wanted my comment on whether smiling a lot during meetings gave something away...

  • Taking Risks

    What challenges have you had to face in the pursuit of your success and what have you been prepared to do?

  • The Problem with Doctors

    Doctors do a great job in tight deadlines, but...

  • Traveling Alone

    Two years ago I couldn’t go skiing with a group of friends because my back was playing up and...

  • Coping with Criticism

    There is a marked difference between a 'critique' and criticism...

  • Musing Over Parenthood

    Not all of us manage this transition or ever quite come to accept the massive shift that having children creates in our lives...

  • Boosting Self-Esteem

    Our memory is made of two predominant sections; the shorter conscious part and the larger sub-conscious...

  • Emotion & Stress

    Bad feelings come in a variety of guises and almost always take you down!

  • Sleep Problems & Nutrition

    I have experienced a disturbed sleep pattern, often resulting in a lack of sleep for 5 out of 7 nights...

  • Learning to Delegate

    Delegating is a simple principle when it comes to identifying what to give people to do, but it’s amazing how difficult it can be...

  • Helping People

    Going to see a Psychologist may sound daunting, but actually it isn't a difficult process once...

  • 5 Meditation Apps to Try this Summer

  • How to let staff go with style (and not feel guilty!)

  • The Challenge of Leadership Management

  • The Power of Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 10 ways to BETTER deal with conflict

  • How to maximise employee engagement & why you should

  • Balancing your short-term goals with your long-term vision

  • How to stop being a frustrated executive

  • Systems Intelligence And How Executives Are Different!

  • How to implement the ROAR framework for business improvement

  • 5 Meditation Apps to Try this Summer

  • How to let staff go with style (and not feel guilty!)

  • The Challenge of Leadership Management

  • The Power of Corporate Social Responsibility

  • 10 ways to BETTER deal with conflict

  • How to maximise employee engagement & why you should

  • Balancing your short-term goals with your long-term vision

  • How to stop being a frustrated executive

  • Systems Intelligence And How Executives Are Different!

  • How to implement the ROAR framework for business improvement

  • Navigating Leadership Challenges in a Rapidly Evolving Marketplace

  • Content creation for business entrepreneurs

  • From Burnout to Breakthrough: Revitalizing Well-Being on the Journey of Business and Life

  • Navigating Career Transitions: Managing Personal Finances During Professional Change