By | Published On: December 14, 2023 |

Marco Torres, a specialist in incentive marketing and Founder of is the guest on Episode 158 of The Executive Edge podcast.

Marco capt torres, marketingboostOn the show, he discusses how travel and hospitality rewards and vouchers can be important tactics that businesses can employ to increase their sales.

It’s interesting to get a marketer’s take on how we can market our businesses as we go into 2024, particularly as much of the conversation out there seems to focus on social media at present.

But “Capt Marco”, as he calls himself, isn’t a social media marketer. Instead, he encourages businesses to use value-added incentives as part of their marketing and sales strategy.

If you’re not familiar with the term “incentive marketing”, you actually know this marketing strategy very well because you probably come across it everyday; incentive-based marketing uses motivational devices such as competitions, games, premiums, special pricing, to promote the sale of a merchandise or service.

Marco’s company partners with business owners and independent sales professionals to help them offer free vacation incentives. As he explains on the show, the prospect of free travel and hospitality vouchers can really drive up sales.

And as he’s keen to point out, this strategy works across a variety of industry.

For Marco, by using “free vacation” or restaurant vouchers as part of the sales process, there is a far higher conversion rate for sales. Moreover, as Marco outlines on the show, these incentives can be a highly lucrative strategy to generate more sales.

Visit to learn more.

You might also want to check out Marco’s Facebook Group which has more than 27,000 active business owners in the community who are increasing their sales with his advice and affordable subscription program.