Welcome to episode 98 of my podcast
The Executive Edge with Mandy Morris.
Mandy is an executive psychology coach, therapist, speaker, author, and mental health expert. She specialises in trauma and a specific therapy called EMDR. This is one of the most effective treatments for trauma available. Mandy enjoys working with executives and leaders in not just mental health but in their businesses also.
Mental health and success in business have a correlation and the better you are doing physically and emotionally the more likely you are to thrive in business. Mandy discusses how supporting executives to break through mental barriers, is a good thing. It is healthy for people to have a coach, although some people may not want to reach out for help.
What did we discuss?
A common issue executives face is lack of focus and feeling they are not getting enough done. Anxiety or struggles with self-worth, are also issues leaders and executives face if their business isn’t growing the way they want it to. Other times leaders want to get on with employees better or improve their leadership skills.
Leadership DNA is a programme developed by Mandy that supports leaders to figure out what their operating systems are. The way in which you operate has been created through our lives. During your lifetime, experiences are connected to thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. These beliefs can be healthy such as ‘I did the best I could, or I am enough’. Or beliefs can be unhealthy such as ‘I am a failure or I’m not good enough’. These are not necessarily conscious thoughts. However, they can be self-sabotaging. Each of these beliefs and thoughts contribute to the make-up of people and the way our brains have been wired.
Mandy aims to break down people’s experiences and beliefs to determine how it could be affecting the way they operate. From there she supports people to create new operating systems.
You can find more from Mandy at mandythetherapist.com