• Empty nest and surviving it – for both parents and students!

    My children are now 18 and 20 years old, both have now gone to university at the same time...

  • Handling Negative Emotions is a Life Skill

    Feelings of sadness, frustration, anger, and disappointment all serve a purpose, but often their purpose is lost...

  • Why is My Child so Stressed?    

    What do children have to be stressed about? Being a child is the easiest time of your life...

  • The difference between Management and Leadership; a real-life example

    Just recently I went on holiday to the beautiful island of Kos in Greece, with my two teenage children age 17 and 19...

  • Men and Mental Health; are men more emotional than women?

    Many boys encounter what Dr William Pollack termed in his book, ‘The Boy Code’, a set of expectations on how boys and men should think, feel and act: “be tough, don’t cry, go it alone...

  • Building Resilience For Adults

    Following on from the last blog I wanted to concentrate on how to build resilience for adults...

  • Big me up, Scotty! Believing in and boosting Self-esteem

    Some forms of self promotion aren’t only forgiveable, but actively welcome...

  • Losing weight – a psychological approach

    Looking at the “whys” of weight problems are just as important as the “hows” in my book...

  • Energy, Vitality & what drains us

    In this piece, we’ll examine what is affecting your energy levels...

  • How to cope with a difficult colleague

    If you feel unhappy or discontented at work, it may not be the work itself that’s the problem, but the people...

  • How can you help a Stressed Employee

    Stress is a subject that has ebbed and flowed in the minds of industry because of the Press about it and the reputation it has for being a negative experience...

  • Troubles at the top

    Every Chief Executive I know has a secret. It comes out, in an uncomfortable whisper, when we start to examine...

  • Managing Anxiety and how to feel better…

    There are two kinds of anxiety - specific and generalised. Specific anxiety is when there is a distinct cause for concern...

  • Cluttered desk, cluttered house, cluttered life…?

    For many of us the reason we allow ‘stuff’ to build up in our homes is because we feel a sense of security when visibly surrounded by our possessions...

  • A little help with self-help…

    Have you ever considered it might be a good idea to read a self-help book and walked into a bookshop to look at the selection available?

  • Marriage…is it simply down to love or do we need to re-think?

    I am surprised how many men come in to see me about something that’s a source of stress for them and move on to the difficulties they encounter...

  • Work-Life Balance – working to live or living to work?

    For many of us, the boundaries between work and life have become blurred...

  • Lessons in life and what’s worth learning

    It was my brother’s 60th birthday recently and, whilst celebrating it, I asked him how he felt...

  • Coping with all those worries!

    Are you a compulsive worrier? Even to the extent that you are worrying right now about whether you have enough time to read this blog...

  • How to cope if you’re working with a Narcissist

    Are you working with someone who has a hankering for the limelight, a deep-seated desire to be the centre of attention...

  • Taking the Stress out of Leadership!

    Stress, and in particular, the serious effect that stress has on the human body, is a subject we now know a great deal about...