• Men have Eating Disorders Too!

    Men are now reported by the NHS to represent 25% of cases of eating disorders...

  • Building Self-worth & why it’s worth it!

    In this new blog series I’ll be looking at three core issues that many of my clients come to see me about – self worth, self image and self confidence...

  • Big me up, Scotty! Believing in and boosting Self-esteem

    Some forms of self promotion aren’t only forgiveable, but actively welcome...

  • Beating your inner fake: Imposter Syndrome & what to do about it

    Social media has provided us with many tools, one of which is the ability to present the persona of our choosing to the outside world...

  • Work-Life Balance – working to live or living to work?

    For many of us, the boundaries between work and life have become blurred...

  • Coping with Criticism

    There is a marked difference between a 'critique' and criticism...