• Handling Negative Emotions is a Life Skill

    Feelings of sadness, frustration, anger, and disappointment all serve a purpose, but often their purpose is lost...

  • The difference between Management and Leadership; a real-life example

    Just recently I went on holiday to the beautiful island of Kos in Greece, with my two teenage children age 17 and 19...

  • Men have Eating Disorders Too!

    Men are now reported by the NHS to represent 25% of cases of eating disorders...

  • Building Resilience For Adults

    Following on from the last blog I wanted to concentrate on how to build resilience for adults...

  • Coping with all those worries!

    Are you a compulsive worrier? Even to the extent that you are worrying right now about whether you have enough time to read this blog...

  • Musing Over Parenthood

    Not all of us manage this transition or ever quite come to accept the massive shift that having children creates in our lives...